Articles for loveEXPLORING


Over the years I’ve worked with a number of websites, but few are as easy to work with, as thorough and as impressive as loveEXPLORING.

They have commissioned me to do a flurry of travel pieces over the last few years. I really enjoy writing them and also like that I get to write most of them out on location with totally fresh ideas and venues to spice up the copy. This helps make sure the readers are getting the best and most up-to-date advice as possible.

Places I’ve covered for them sweep from my native Edinburgh and on to seriously underrated Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland, then on to further afield such as Las Palmas in the Canaries and the balmy Algarve.

Look out for more loveEXPLORING articles from me in the near future. They have handily collated all my pieces in one place which you can link straight in to here.  Enjoy!

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